Essay Submission
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--We ask that contributors wait at least a year after we publish your work before submitting new work.
--We welcome all forms of writing, all themes, all styles.
--There is no word limit, but please keep in mind that the entire journal is about 90 pages.
--Please submit no more than one piece at a time.
--Simultaneous submissions are welcome; please notify us right away (and withdraw your essay) if the work is accepted elsewhere.
--We will do everything possible to read, deliberate on, and respond to your work promptly, usually within eight weeks. If you have not heard from us in five months, feel feel free to contact us about the status of your submission.
--We really, really wish we could pay our contributors. At this time, the Editors' Prize winners receive $500. Otherwise, we pay in copies.
--Rights revert to the author upon publication. Please acknowledge Jabberwock Review if your work subsequently appears in an anthology or book.
--We do not publish work by current students, faculty or staff of Mississippi State University.
We look forward to reading your work!