Fiction Submission
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--While there is no word limit, please keep in mind that space limitations make longer work (over, say, 6,000 words) more difficult for us to publish.
--We ask that contributors wait at least a year after we publish your work before submitting new work.
--Please submit no more than one story at a time. (If you are submitting flash fiction, you may submit up to three pieces in a single document.)
--Simultaneous submissions are welcome; please just notify us right away (and withdraw your story) if the work is accepted elsewhere.
--We will do everything possible to read, deliberate on, and respond to your work promptly, usually within 8-12 weeks. If you have not heard from us in five months, feel feel free to contact us about the status of your submission. We promise we don’t mind.
--We really, really wish we could pay our contributors. At this time, the Editors' Prize winners receive $500. Otherwise, we pay in copies.
--Rights revert to the author upon publication. Please acknowledge Jabberwock Review if your story subsequently appears in an anthology or book.
--We do not publish work by current students, faculty or staff of Mississippi State University.
We look forward to reading your work!